01 - Is it worth doing the Surf Biomechanics training if you still don't know how to surf?
ANSWER: Technical knowledge, whatever area it applies to, will always speed up your progress . It works like an instruction manual. Imagine something you've never used in your life, starting from scratch without any instructions will waste a lot of time. Our training program is suitable for all levels, from beginners who want to take their first steps, to instructors and professionals who want to increase their knowledge and performance.
02 - I live far from the beach and I can't go surfing all the time. Will I be able to improve my surfing even without going in the water so many times?
ANSWER: In any sport, technical evolution is less favored in the real context and much faster in a simulated environment. A boxer doesn't fight for 6 hours during training, a football player doesn't spend the day playing matched. In all sports, to create the correct muscle memory, a certain amount of repetitions are necessary using different tools, such as in boxing there is the punching bag, the gauntlet, shadow movements, all this so that the person can repeat the motor gestures as many times as possible untill it gets automatic. It's no different in surfing, we need to know how to constantly train the movements, repeat them over and over again, so it's not by spending more time in the water that we'll improve faster, but by using other forms of training that allow you to create the correct muscle memory and accelerate your progress curve.
03 - What is Method Arthur Philippi (MAP TÉCNICA) and the surf biomechanics? How can I have access?
ANSWER: The method is part of a process that seeks to make anyone improve in surfing in a faster and safer way, regardless of skill level or age. MAP is based on sports sciences such as biomechanics, to define the best techniques, and sports pedagogy, to define the best teaching tools, which will provide faster learning in a safe and motivating way. You can have access just by clicking HERE
04 - I've been surfing for many years and I even consider myself a black belt in surfing, is it worth the investment for me?
ANSWER: If want to improve technically, the answer is yes. The knowledge developed by MAP Técnica, over more than 25 years of studies in the science of human movement, has created unique and exclusive content in terms of quantity and richness of detail. For those who are at an advanced level, small details can make a big difference, and this is one of MAP's focuses. On the testimonials page, we have high-performance athletes who prove the benefits of the method.
05 - I've been surfing for a very short time, will I be able to understand the methodology and practice?
ANSWER: Absolutely yes, our course has been tested and perfected to ensure that anyone who has access to our material will be able to understand it and practice the techniques suggested by the method.
07 - Is the Surf Biomechanics Training Program online or in person?
ANSWER: The course is completely online. There is a support tool where students, remotely, can ask questions live to our instructors. This way, we are able to provide specific service to the needs of each student.
08 - Everyone who participates on the Surf Biomechanics training program becomes a black belt?
ANSWER: Achieving a level of excellence in any sport requires dedication and discipline. Anyone who possesses or develops these traits will achieve high performance in whatever they do. The Surf Biomechanicstraining program will show you everything you need to know to become a black belt, step by step, in the smallest detail. How this knowledge is going to be used, depends on each one. We have the map to find the gold mine, anyone able to follow all the steps will become a black belt.
10 - I don't have time to practice, would the method still help me?
ANSWER: Most people find it difficult to establish and follow routines, but we have developed a method where, no matter how little time you manage to devote to exercising the techniques, you will already be able to see an improvement. And this will be a two-way street, the more you feel the progress, the more you will feel motivated to train.
09 - I don´t have the money to invest in the full program. Is there a way I can have access to any content?
ANSWER: Most people, when they think about how to surf better, imagine that investing in a new board or going on a surf trip to get perfect waves is the best way to improve . This can indeed help, but it will always be an extremely limiting factor since you don't know exactly what you are doing correctly or what are the main technical mistakes you are making. That's why we always encourage you to first seek for technical knowledge. From then on, when investing in new equipment, knowing what is best suited for your technical level, as well as the surf trip that you will be able to enjoy the waves better, than you can improve with consistency.
16 - In addition to Surf Biomechanics, what is necessary to invest in order to evolve in the sport, in terms of movement methodology, physical and mobility training?
ANSWER: The improvement process starts from the knowledge of the techniques and how to train them. From this point on, it is possible to identify opportunities to further increase performance. These opportunities may be related to greater joint mobility and/or strength of specific muscle recruitments. For this, you can also count on our mentoring groups, where we teach specific mobility and functional exercises, where we combine technique with other physical skills for even greater evolution.
14 - Was this methodology created in Brazil by Arthur Philippi?
ANSWER: Yes, Professor Arthur Philippi is the creator of the MAP. With 25 years of studies in the sciences of human motion, master Arthur is constantly perfecting the techniques and the process of how to automate them, always with aiming on making the improvement process in surfing faster and more pleasurable.
12 - Is it better to learn the methodology and training, or go surfing without guidance every day? Can you refer me to a training center?
ANSWER: Anything you start doing without getting guidance always results in wasted time and money. Many students who tried the method have reported having spent tons of money on equipment, surf trips, functional training, etc... and never noticed a really consistent and measurable improvement. Therefore, starting with a method that shows step by step how to improve is the best way to start. Today, MAP Técnica has a structure that provides students with a place to carry out technical training on the ground and on the surf skate. Located in the city of Florianópolis SC.
13 - Does the methodology work for everyone? Will I be able to learn online?
ANSWER: The method was developed and has always been improved precisely to ensure that anyone can improve, regardless of physical condition. The format of the digital classes and the student support process guarantee the quality of learning and progression, once students follow the suggested training protocols.
15 - What does your company do? I would like to hire you to provide a private consultancy.
ANSWER: We work for the evolution of surfing. Through a methodology, we pass on our knowledge to people to improve their performance or even learn to surf from the very beginning. Through personal classes, online classes, workshops, seminars, clinics, mentoring and surf trips, the MAP method helps anyone improve in surfing quickly and consistently, until they reach a black belt.
11 - With this surf program, can my son, nephew or grandson learn to surf? What is the minimum age?
ANSWER: Once people understand the techniques, they are already able to pass on this knowledge due to the wealth of technical and pedagogical details that are part of the method. Therefore, one of the great benefits of learning something with a robust methodology is that a minimum qualification is built where anyone is able to teach a little of what they have learned. There is no minimum age to learn the techniques, as long as the student has cognitive capacity he will learn.
06 - I think I'm old and out of shape. Will I be able to evolve and practice?
ANSWER: Improvement has a lot to do with the power of will. Anyone who really want to improve will do so and the MAP method is capable of facilitating and speeding up this process, as the technique serves precisely to be able to do something more efficiently, that is, something well done with less effort and risk of injury.
18 - Is Surf Biomechanics online or face-to-face?
ANSWER: MAP TÉCNICA has numerous surf training and development services. The vast majority are face-to-face. Due to the growing demand, we created the ONLINE SURF BIOMECHANICAL TRAINING PROGRAM. It is a complete training program that, in addition to the classes and the course as a whole, we also have weekly trainings, also an exclusive community, wave analysis, training for students and professionals, on call for questions, among other activities.
17 - Why do you open and close Online Training Program enrollments?
ANSWER: Sales will always be limited due to the quality of service we provide to students. Our goal is and always will be to ensure that anyone who has contact with the method can improve, so the effort we make in our support groups must meet everyone's needs, in the most specific way possible.

Florianópolis, SC - Brazil.
Mobile: +55 48 99816-5715